All the previously listed scope types are defined by engineering or procurement categories. They are timeless.

The said list of scopes is used extensively for the project schedule auto-generation. In turn, the schedule is a basis for subcontracted work scope definitions. All work scopes are eventually turned into procurement-of-work orders. In conventional procurement, this process takes from weeks to months.

Examples of subcontracted works are civil engineering, construction, and commissioning. These works are scoped differently - by the project scheduling elements - Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Work Package (WP), and Task. WBS and WP are collections of Tasks. Each task is time-bound and tied to the previous group internally.

Time is not the only differentiator. The second point is the scope sensitivity to local conditions.

The former group of scopes is defined by the inner logic of the project execution; it is stable across projects and is easily auto-generated.

The latter group depends upon a number of subcontractors participating in the project. Its auto-generation is blocked by a lack of data about the contractor's capabilities. Hence, this group is created manually with dedicated user interfaces.

In defining work scopes uses a number of strategies.

In Quick Scope Builder any work package may be turned in exactly one scope. The user selects the work packages and the rest is done by software.

Custom Scope Builder allows not only a work package, but its part turn in scope. Part is represented by the former group of scopes.

System Scope Builder does not deal with a work package, but rather with a process module and its construction phases from engineering to commissioning and disciplines - process engineering, electrical, instrumentation, and control, etc. It is the most versatile of all builders. For example, it allows allocation of the module engineering to one contractor, and its construction to another.

Unlike all previous builders, Wiring Scope Builder deals only with the plant instrumentation and power wiring, power boards and panels, motor control centers, junction boxes, and PLCs. It partitions the plant wiring area in a way more natural for equipment installation.

The only objective of a scope builder is to crop a collection of tasks from the project schedule. This collection may be easily viewed as a Gantt chart. The final step in turning a scope into a procured-work order is connecting the payment conditions to the scope schedule. It is done using Scope Editor.

All the steps from the scope definition to the order compilation take a couple of minutes. Samples may be found on the website.

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