The Oxford Dictionary defines Human Resources (HR) as the department in a company that deals with employing and training people. The world outside of the company does not exist for HR.

For companies that decided to go digital, HR turns into a critical factor of success as businesses become hybrid. This phenomenon is analyzed in "Elements of Business Process Management". As in the case of the PlantDesigner software, most of the output is produced by the software, but the critical one - by the human being.

So requirements for hiring the best match as well as employee retention and re-training skyrocket as the human being becomes the weakest link of the business.

Modern hiring is pivoted around a random corporate job posting getting random attention from a random job seeker. Unreliable interpretation of the seeker experience and immature job description remove the last drop of reasoning from the hiring process.

The described situation is a starting point for the digital HR concept development by Its first step is to get away with the push-type hiring - the employer sets requirements, and the job seekers push "offers".

Unlike the conventional business, the digital one has some unique assets - the registered users - a new territory for searching for an alternative. (How to engage and retain users is discussed elsewhere.) Pull-type hiring is a process of maintaining pools of human resources large enough to select (or pull out) at any time candidates that can solve continuously emerging new business problems. By gradually adding more details about themselves explicitly or implicitly (through interaction with the software), users build their profiles - the basis for the job candidate screening.

The user profile feature set adopted by is similar to the one used by LinkedIn, except for one key difference. Unlike LinkedIn, is locked on a specific business domain - big infrastructure projects in the water industry - and a finite quantity of business tasks. These tasks offer a vocabulary for the user resume compilation as part of the user profile completion. Such a resume makes the user eligible for automated job screening or HR mining, a term coined by

HR mining has nothing to do with the mining industry which all the Google search results are linked to. It is close to data mining - the process of sifting through large data sets to identify stable patterns to leverage the business.

HR mining is a bi-directional process aiming at specific business needs, not stable job titles. The basket of needs - the outcome of HR mining (!) - may change depending on the selected candidate's experience. What is always in the basket is remote-scoped work which is a natural outcome of business digitization.

As seen, digital HR is not business-agnostic. It is to define the perfect timing for new hires - a task for AI algorithms fed with the business process data. What data is essential? Is essential data collectible?

To answer these questions, digital HR should be interwoven into the fabric of the business. It should gain equal attention from Day One as all the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are domain - specific as explained in the articles "Ranking Project Team Expertise" and "Digital Collaboration in Projects". They work equally well for all other user groups collaborating with the project teams - the OEM offer team, subcontractors, and freelancers.

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